If you wish to make a complaint please ask to speak with Ayesha our registered Complaints Manager, or you can put your concerns in writing to her at our clinic address. We will acknowledge all written complaints within 48 hours and respond within 20 working days, or a written explanation of why the response is taking longer and when you can expect a response.
We take complaints very seriously and investigate them in fair way taking great care in protecting your confidentiality.
If the Complaints Manager is unavailable, we will take details about the complaint and will arrange for a telephone call when the person is next available. We will keep comprehensive and confidential records of your complaint, which will be stored securely and only be accessible by those who need to know about your complaint.
If the complaint is about our Complaint Manager, we will forward your complaint to Dr Riyaz Baba our Medical Director.
When the investigation has been completed, you will be informed of its outcome in writing and invited to a meeting to discuss the results and any practical solutions that we can offer to you.
We regularly analyse patient complaints to learn from them and to improve our care and services we provide. We always welcome your feedback, comments, suggestions and complaints.